Betty Chapman founded Paraklete Press of California and The Lectionary Bible Study at St. Clement’s on May 14, 1989. Paraklete Press of California has been an outreach activity of St. Clement’s for thirty-five years. St. Clement’s publishes The Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study as a quarterly study booklet. We currently sell about 800 printed books annually and about 75 digitally downloaded books for portable devices (computers, laptops, iPads, tablets, cell phones) to churches in the United States, Canada and occasionally in other countries.
There are several volunteers including Betty’s brother who are responsible for this unique educational and spiritual venture. Betty Chapman writes The Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study and arranges for it to be printed. Chris Wash processes the orders and mails the books. Thomas Casady (Betty’s brother in Oklahoma) is a proofreaders and editor. Betty Chapman leads the class for St. Clement’s on Tuesday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom.
The Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study costs $9.98 per book plus tax and shipping. It is also available as a PDF. All profits go directly to the General Fund of St. Clement’s Church. The net income in 2024, after paying expenses, was $2,228 which goes directly into the church’s General Fund to help support our church.
Expenses consist of advertising, envelopes, stamps, computer formatting for final printing and printing costs.
Three years ago, we introduced a digital download quarterly book at $6.95 per digital download. We have encouraged churches and Bible study groups to consider using Zoom for Bible study classes.
Our main source of advertising is through our webpage and word-of-mouth.
The Web Page address is: Our e-mail address is: [email protected]
We are also listed on the National Episcopal Church Website.
Respectfully submitted by Betty Chapman