At our annual meeting in January we elected two new vestry members; Molly Rowland and Stephen Soulman. And we are going to introduce you to them. First up is Molly, who is now serving as Senior Warden.
Molly Rowland has been attending St. Clement’s since 2023. She attended church as a little girl with her grandmother but made her faith her own at St. Clement’s and was baptized in 2023 and confirmed in 2024. She has served as a lector, intercessor and usher and has come onboard the vestry as Senior Warden. She lives just a few blocks from St. Clement’s with her daughter and is a Jill of all trades working as an interior designer and waitress. What Molly really appreciates about St. Clement’s is the sense of belonging and comfort to worship, grow and learn and looks forward to her new role as Senior Warden.
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