The Real St. Patrick

At the age of sixteen, a boy from Britain, Saint Patrick was captured by barbarian Irish pirates. From there he became enslaved as a shepherd and farm laborer until he had a dream that showed him an escape route. He escaped successfully and returned because of his burden and heart for the people that enslaved him. He desired for them to know Jesus Christ.

Patrick was not the first Christian in Ireland, though, his impact is unmatched in his persistent mission. Many recognize that it was Patrick’s spreading of the gospel to the king of Ireland, Loegaire, that saved Ireland from its marauding and barbarianism. Patrick’s missionary work brought an entirely new ethic to the land of Ireland through Christianity. He is believed to have died on March 17, around 460 A.D, hence, St. Patrick’s day.

There are a lot of myths around Patrick, but the facts are far more encouraging, and interestingly, he was never “canonized” as a Saint by the Catholic Church. We, as protestants, recognize the Sainthood of Saint Patrick, and should honor him in pursuing holiness, and evangelism as he did. Additionally, while the secular culture partakes in excessive drinking and partying on this day surrounding his name’s sake, let us honor him as he corrected such behavior of the polytheistic paganism that was prominent in Ireland.

Saint Patrick’s Lorica (prayer),

“Christ with me,

Christ before me,

Christ behind me,

Christ in me,

Christ beneath me,

Christ above me,

Christ on my right,

Christ on my left,

Christ when I lie down,

Christ when I sit down,

Christ when I arise,

Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.”
