Welcome to Anchored in Christ

Welcome to Anchored in Christ

Our parish here in Rancho Cordova is named after Clement of Rome. Clement was one of the earliest bishops of Rome and was martyred by the Roman Emperor Trajan. The manner in which Clement was killed was that an anchor was tied around his neck and he was thrown into the Black Sea. The means

All Hallows’ Eve

As Halloween approaches, my friend, Rev. Glen Scrivener, has a favorite video of mine wherein he waxes poetically about the significance of the night before All Saints’ Day. Enjoy!

And for ________ our President

The Apostle Paul writes in his first letter to Timothy: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.  This command is the scriptural basis

Outreach Spotlight: Dress a Girl Around the World

Dress a Girl around the World is a nondenominational Christian charitable organization under Hope 4 Women International. It is dedicated to bringing dignity to young girls around the world. The organization wants every girl to have at least one new dress. The goal is to let girls know they are worthy of respect, and that

Dressed up for Advent

Dressed up for Advent

As you may have noticed, we have a new frontal depicting the birth of Jesus. There are also other charming pieces, including a pulpit hanging and chalice veil. These exquisite quilted items were sewn by our very own Sharon Burke-Polana. The shade of Advent blue matches our back wall beautifully. Sharon also sewed stoles depicting