Our Ministries

Paraklete Press of California / Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study

Betty Chapman founded Paraklete Press of California and the Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study at St. Clement’s Episcopal Church on May 14, 1989.  Paraklete Press of California has been an outreach Ministry of St. Clement’s for nearly 40 years!   We publish The Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study as a quarterly study booklet.  We currently sell about 1,000 books annually to churches in the United States and Canada.

Many volunteers at St. Clement’s are responsible for this unique educational and spiritual venture.  Betty Chapman writes The Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study and arranges for it to be printed.  Chris Wash processes the orders and mails the books.  Mickey Boughton, Bobby Keill, and Thomas Casady (Betty’s brother in Oklahoma) are proofreaders and editors.

Everyone from St. Clement’s who helps with the production of The Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study is a volunteer.  Expenses consist of advertising, envelopes, stamps, formatting, and printing costs.  The income helps to supplement the church’s annual budget.

Our main source of advertising is through our webpage at:  http://www.lectionarybiblestudy.org

Contact us at:  [email protected]


Choir – “To sing is too pray twice.”

The purpose ~ Under the direction of Carole Maxson, the choir enhances the worship experience of the parishioners.

At St. Clement’s we use music that directly relates to the lectionary readings appointed for each Sunday.  Music is selected to further interpret and offer an expanded view of those readings.  The congregation joins in singing a wide variety of music from contemporary Christian to traditional hymns to assist in that worship experience.  An appropriate anthem is presented by the choir each Sunday.

A fall choir retreat begins the year. Time is spent in getting better acquainted and planning the musical year.

There are two major events presented by the choir each year.  A Lenten gift to the congregation and the community on Palm Sunday afternoon and our annual Christmas performance.

The choir rehearsal is held each Sunday after service.  We welcome new members.

Contact: [email protected]

The Order of Daughters of The King

The Order of Daughters of the King is an international religious order for Episcopal women.  A Daughter pledges herself to a lifelong program of prayer, service, and evangelism.

St. Clement’s Maranatha Chapter meets the second Saturday of each month and includes a book study program.  We meet in the church for Bible study, prayer, coffee, and fellowship from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

In addition to monthly meetings we provide support to St. Clement’s with service projects and helping to organize events.

Contact Sharon Burke-Polana to learn more about The Order of the Daughters of the King.